
NAK Limited is officially registered with the Registrar of Companies (BRELA) in Tanzania under Registration No. 262987, as well as with the Occupational Safety and Health Authority (OSHA) under Registration No. 113-102-055, and the National Environment Management Council (NEMC)-NEMC/EIA/00114. Currently, we are in the process of implementing ISO 14001 and ISO 45001 standards.  NAK is a registered UN Global Compact member of Tanzania Chapter.

As a prominent provider of occupational Health and Safety, environmental management, and waste management services; NAK serves various industrial sectors such as Oil and Gas, Mining, Chemical, Petrochemical, Power Generation, Telecommunications, and Construction.

Our team of 50 highly skilled professionals ensures the delivery of tailor-made solutions, incorporating innovation and new technologies to execute projects safely, efficiently, and cost-effectively.

NAK’s vision revolves around contributing to a sustainable future by addressing global challenges, including rising sea levels, polluted rivers, seas, and soils, as well as providing solutions for hazardous and non-hazardous environments and the conservation of natural resources.

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Years of experiences

Certified Accountant